Paris really was incredible. I’ve stayed in Paris a few times. The first time I went I was, well, there’s no better way to put it than I was like a dog hanging its head out the car window panting with excitement. That was me, age 16. We’d driven from Cologne overnight. And we eat Lobster by the Eiffel Tower. Heck it was amazing. It was proper silver service, cooked at the table, sauce made in front of me. I was besmitten.
And now, again, I am. Again. Just like then. But now I’m in love with the 10th.
Twenty three years later I’m now impressed by authentic Mexican on a streetcorner in a building covered in grafitti. I’m all aflutter at the shop that sells birch tree trunks and seed pods for ones interior. Raw smoothies get me going, and a good organic wine shop. Or a Pinata shop with handmade crepe paper pom poms for five euros.
Oh yes. Bring it on. (And that rather handsome man outside the gallery vegetale, I think I’ll take him home too).
It was so much fun going to Paris – who would have thought I’d generate so many photos out of just over a day and a half! Really though, I am beside myself with excitement that the kids are now old enough to travel with and I can combine all my great passions; technology, travel and photography. I think though with the use of hotel WIFI I’m going to read up on mac security and viruses because I upload all my travel photos to an external cloud service and if somebody got in because of a security slipup I think I would be a bit cross with myself!
Happy travels all. Our next trip is coming up in just three weeks. Yippee!
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